मंगलवार, 24 मार्च 2015

Ghar Wapsi in Denmark

Weeks ago, when Modi government was facing opposition heat over its fringe support arms' Ghar Wapsi campaign, even visiting US president Barack Obama came and preached religious tolerance to India. But, around same time Obama wilfully ignored similar campaign of religious re conversions being propounded by the political parties of his trans Atlantic ally Denmark. A major opposition political outfit Denmark People Party or DF as it is popularly known has been campaigning to support those people who want to come out of Islam. Denmark has been at the forefront of Europe's fight back against what it calls threat from aggressive, oppressive Islamism, which puts conditions for life and free speech. It was in Denmark where for the first time controversy over Prophet Muhammed erupted around a decade ago and which sadly became a precursor to Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. Europe with majority of Christian population and avowed secularism and freedom of speech has been pushing the boundaries of secularism and free speech by mostly demonising Islam. Adherents of Islam now stand marginalized across European societies. After Danish cartoon row and Charlie Hebdo incidents, followers feel threatened. We have seen some retribution too. Lots of European youth now are rushing to join ISIS to express their pent up feeling. But, those faithful of Islam who are left behind are feeling the heat. To capitalize on their fear, Denmark People's Party has propounded their theory of helping those people who 'Wish to Renounce Islam'. DF, by which name Denmark People Party is known has a vote share of more than 19 per cent has been vehemently and vociferously opposing Islamism and has dubbed it a threat to Exalted European Society. Now its chief, Martin Henriksen says that we need to help people who want to come out of oppression of Islamism. He further explains that the decision has to made by individuals themselves. But, once they decide to leave Islam, they need a place where they can find refuge and respect. This is almost akin to the Ghar Wapsi theory of RSS affiliates. DF's this campaign has found support from main opposition party of the nation, Venstre. Its spokesperson has said that DF should also find money to support its campaign. Though the ruling Social Democrats have denounced DF's plan saying it I against the social fabric of the country. The question is why the need arose foe the DF to help those who wish to Renounce Islam. In a 60 lakh population of Denmark, Muslims are less than five percent. Still the majority feels their presence threatening. Because Danish Muslim Party claims that due to their incessant efforts, Denmark will become first Muslim state of Europe. Do we find an echo of Danish political upheavals in India. Yes. Because here too, even after getting a majority of its own, BJP feels threatened by secularism and what the Danes say, is Oppressive Islamism of adherents of Islam. BJP also needs campaigs like Ghar Wapsi to expand its support base. In 2014 elections the party got majority despite less than four people opted for it, out ten who voted. Incidentally it should have been for the Congress to start a campaign like Danish Peoples Party becauslike DF of Denmark it got 19% vote share in 2014,elections. Why didn't Congress follow Danish model? Because it is yet to decide by which leader the party should be led. The decision on the model to be followed,comes at a very later stage.

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