It was probably the first week of July, in the year 1971, when absence of a visiting foreign dignitary from public eyes, created ripples across the world. Then visiting US National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger went off the public radar in Islamabad for a whole day. Surprised press corps of westerners and even Pakistani press raised questions about missing Kissinger. Officials of US embassy in Islamabad provided an alibi of illness of their NSA. Press corps mostly bought this feigning of illness by Kissinger. He resumed his public engagements from a day later.
Not exactly a week later, but surely on July, 15 1971, US and communist China announced restoration of diplomatic ties, severed since 1949 win of communists in Chinese civil war. Only then the world came to know that when during his Islamabad trip, Kissinger disappeared from public view for a day, he was actually visiting Peking on top secret mission US president Nixon. He was assigned the task of restoring ties with communist China.
When at the height of raging cold war, a hardcore anti communist US president, Richard Nixon announced of restoring ties with Red China, it sent shock waves across the world. Stunned, the other pole of cold war, U.S.S.R. dubbed this as a communist sell-out by Chinese autocrat Mao Zedong. But as we see the current state and status of China in world order we find that Nixon and Mao played a masterstroke, which is still reverberating across the world. China, then reeling under severe economic stress and facing a hostile USSR, wanted to open a new window of help, co-operation to sustain its politico-economic model, which was decried across the world for its massacre of its own citizens during 'Long March', for its close non transparent dealings. For America, taking China away from communist camp, was much required respite. Because in Vietnam it was getting a hammering at the hands of communists rebels, which China supported. In Korean peninsula, the US was facing a status quo and in its own backyard of Gulf of Mexico, it has lost influence over several territories, including Cuba.
The handshake between Mao and Nixon, helped China lift its status in world order, free it of clutches of USSR and also gave immense economic opportunities. In turn, the US got respite in Vietnam quagmire. China is still reaping benefits of that famous diplomatic coup by Nixon-Kissinger duo. US is its biggest trade partner and still, biggest rival. Rise of China is biggest threat to US hegemony over the world.
But nowadays the world is discussing another handshake. Between US president Barack Obama and Cuban president Raul Castro. Both shook hands in Panama City, where they were participating in the Summit of Americas. It was widely anticipated hand shake, with no such surprising element as was available for Mao-Nixon meet. The world was expecting this. Because, around four months ago, Both Obama and Raul Castro had announced of their intention of restoring ties, severed more than five decades ago.
Cuba, which, the US considered as its own backyard, took a leftward turn in 1959. When a revolutionary brigade led by Fidel Castro, overthrew US sponsored Batista regime from Havana. Then the US had welcomed this communist revolution. But relations soured when Fidel Castro started nationalization of US assets in Cuba and that too without any monetary compensation. In 1961, under the garb of local uprising, the US tried to overthrow Castro regime, with Bay of Pigs invasion. It was a disaster. And this US misadventure forced Cuba into the communist camp.
And as they say, rest is history. Cuban missile crises of 60s further soured relations between Cuba and the US. Since then both countries have been mutually hostile to each other, with various US administrations pumping billions of dollars over five decades to get rid of Castro regime. Meanwhile, forced economic blockade of Cuba by the US has crippled Cuban economy. Industry in shambles. Mainstay of Cuban economy, farming is also reeling under the pressure of blockade.
The US government still holds a part of Cuban territory under century old pact, where it has maintained a pen to incarcerate dreaded terrorists. The area is known as Guantanamo Bay. Cuba holds this US occupation, illegal.
Hopes of normalization of relations saw a chance when in 2008 Fidel Castro abdicated power in favor of his younger brother Raul Castro.
President Obama, has avowed policy of bringing down number of fronts of US hostilities. The one in its own backyard, Cuba, should have been first priority. It has not been so. But slowly both nations have started a journey towards normalization of relations. First steps were announced in December last year. Before that, in December 2013, Obama and Castro shook hands when both crossed each other during the funeral of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
Now at the Summit of Americas, when the US is facing protests for its sanctions against Venezuela, Obama has sought to end the hostilities with Cuba on a fast track. The US state department has submitted a report which says, that Cuban regime does not sponsors terrorism. It will help Obama decide in lifting of sanctions from Cuba.
Now, the US corporations see a chance in exploiting Cuban market for their benefit. Interestingly, over a century ago, before the Spanish American war, the consecutive US administrations sought to buy Cuban island from Spain. But Spain consistently refused to part with its prized possession of Gulf of Mexico. Later on, till the revolution of 1959, the US held sway over Cuban politico-economic scene. It was said, that the US ambassador in Havana is the most important person on Cuban territory, more powerful than even the ruler itself.
Though a lot has changed since then. Still, US holds very special place in future curve of Cuban prosperity. That's why the Raul regime has somewhat eased its stance on US posturings. Likewise, in his penchant to chart a different course, to make a splash on history, Obama has been trying to change long held US policy towards major conflict regions. He has successfully brokered a nuclear deal with Iran, he has resisted pressure to intervene militarily in Ukraine and has refused to resend troops in Middle East for a regime change in Syria and hold the march of devilish ISIS. Resolving half century old issues with Cuba is another front, where he is facing flak from hardliner Republicans. Still he is ready to take the plunge.
Commentators have dubbed US-Cuba handshake more important and far reaching than the Chinese one of Nixon-Mao. Because, it is happening in US' own backyard. It will help Americans feel more secure at home, will write off a dissident outpost near its shores. And it may also herald an era where the US' dream of holding sway over Gulf of Mexico becomes a reality.
If that happens, it will be a major diplomatic coup. It will help the US show to the world that it can keep its own backyard neat and clean.
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